my latte flower

my latte flower
it's ok you can mess it up, it's the only art the artist wants you to mess up

Monday, January 31, 2011

what happens when we die?

Everyone ponders it, and no one quite knows. Of course you have the skeptics and the more familiar skeptics like Sylvia Brown, and maybe that guy from that TV show who does all those magic tricks (is it Chris Angel), but i wonder. I mean think about it, lets just say for a second that death was this great thing, something equivalent to winning the lottery, and all the while we've all been living our lives the safest way we can. Sylvia Brown does say some interesting stuff that kinda ties to that idea, she says that this life (witch is one of many, apparently) is the only one that death is involved in. She goes on to say that the reason why we all fear it so much is because, inherently, human nature is a materialistic one. Whether it be family, friends, your dog, your car, or the lifestyle you live, no one can honestly say that they don't enjoy any of it.... except those who are suicidal (and that kinda proves my point).
Ask me what i think, and i'll say that when we die our bodies stay behind and our soul lives on, i think possibly that it is given a choice to stay or go, where it goes, who knows. but if we decide to stay i wonder how it works, it there some kind of time warp where we could live in the future/past? Would it be purely coincidental that we come back as a woman instead of a man? Is it god that decides? These are all things that have crossed my mind, the last thing that just crossed my mind was if maybe we get to come back to the exact same life, we're briefed before we arrive that our memory will be swiped and that we get to receive the same body, looks, mother, father, social class and so on and so forth. And so maybe the soul retains a bit of life experience in the form of knowledge, so now we come back to the same time, same ol' life and do a restart. This time when you go to punch timmy on the playground for stealing your cheetos, you get this weird feeling in your stomach not too. idk this is my rant.... can you believe it, all without a joint. does sound like a good idea though.
Tell me what you think, post a comment. make it as brief or as long as you want. iam very curious.
signing off for today....laters

Sunday, January 30, 2011

my latte art

i have this work to do

wow, january has flown by. i've heard a couple of theories on why time speeds up as we get older, one is that we have some kind of mechanism in our brain that judges time and slowly disables itself over time, two is that in ratio to number of days we've been alive to an hour, day, week, year, etc. the distance between grows as each day we survive ends. but regardless, i have this work to do, iam a manager at a cafe. venice on the boulevard is the name, it is quiet, quaint and at the moment struggling. so i had this amazing idea hit me the other day as i was leaving a poker game, it would involve my employees to step it up as it were, by doing above and beyond duties at work, and while they are not at work they would become representitives for the shop, and try to get more people coming in. everything is based off a point system, each customer you bring in is worth 50 points and cleaning the bathroom squeaky clean is worth 25 and so on and so forth. but instead of writing out the details of such a magnificent idea... here iam starting a blog. time well spent for sure if your eyes happen to be reading this. dear reader, while you have decided to continue reading, i thank you, it means that somewhere in the vast output of ideas and sentences that people have to say that, somehow you have landed on mine and decided that it was worth the time it took to read. dear reader, tell me about yourself, to be honest it is curious to find out "who are the people that chose to read this". this blog thing is all new to me, and the concept intrigues me. i've been thinking about writing lately, in a journal or something, i think this venue will do. dear reader, in conclusion iam very interested in you, whoever you are.... so tell me. who are you? or hell....just start writing....